Saturday, January 12, 2008

Evergreen Air Museum

OK, so this is pretty much the coolest mens bathroom sign ever! (the womens says "Aviatrix")

View of the HK-1 ("Spruce Goose") from the balcony. It's got a longer wingspan than a 747! You can walk in and look at the middle deck of the plane, and for $50 you can go up to the flight deck. Maybe next time . . . :-)

Bishop Houghtaling, I found your shirt! Understanding why will require watching this. (and you should, because it's hilarious)

The museum moved up a couple BIG notches in my book when I looked at the floorplan and saw they have an SR-71 Blackbird. Sweet! Sometimes, missions in this bad boy would involve going Mach 3 (mach 3 = 2 283.62115 mph . . . thanks Google!) for 5 HOURS!
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