Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good Times in the Lower Cave

This is mostly fun for J.J., but he's scarred from a childhood experience. Apparently, he was sent headfirst into a small passage and became stuck. This was, shall we say, unpleasant. So, he's mostly having fun here, but you get a hint he's feelin' a little crazy.

Possible captions: Sean's elbows could take no more. OR, Sean gets delusional and starts chowin' on the sand. OR, Sean breaks in his school clothes.

Dean, Steven, Sean, Bishop H., and J.J. havin' a little pow-wow in the very bottom of the cave. Just after the commando crawl, you get to this little chamber. And we had to, of course, turn off all our lights. It's dark. Interestingly, though, you wave your hand in front of your face and it still looks like you can see it move. Apparently, it's a brain trick.

Possible captions: Two passages diverged in a smelly cave, and I took the one less travelled by . . . (shout out to Steven) . . . and got a cool picture. OR, Sean, Steven, and J.J. perform a recreation of the Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors story on poor unsuspecting Brian.
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