Sunday, November 11, 2007

Camp Meriwether Overnighter (cont'd)

Needless to say, there weren't a lot of GTIs around. It's not really intended for muddy service roads . . . Still, I managed not to get stuck, and we were able to haul the boys and I with all our gear back home when it was over.

We did some exploring after lunch on Saturday and found this Order of the Arrow ceremony site. It has posts that contain kind of a synthesis of the Scout Law and Oath.

I am helpful AND friendly (and good at cheesy smiles)!

Many moons ago, I was at Meriwether for Senior Patrol Week as part of summer camp. During that time, we stayed down the beach a little ways at David Douglas. Frank said they don't really use it anymore and it's probably overgrown. So, we HAD to go see if we could find it, and after ascending a steep trail we did. It must have been a bit of a workout to get from that campsite to the main lodge and camp. Anyway, Thomas and Hunter were having lots of fun with wood and rope here and it was just great to be there with the sunshine and beatiful Cape Lookout in the background.
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gjacobsen said...

Brian and the posts....a little like Sampson, I think....!

gjacobsen said...

Brian and the posts....a little like Sampson, I think....!