Sunday, November 11, 2007

Camp Meriwether Weekend (Stormy and Sunny!)

This weekend I pitched in with Troop 628, which explains why this is on the Venturing blog. Thomas, Hunter, Frank, and I made the rainy drive down south of Tillamook to Camp Meriwether. We're scheduled to go to camp there for a week this summer, so it was good to let the boys check it out. They have made some MAJOR improvements in the 17 years since I was there last, most notably a huge new lodge for dining and stuff. Our adirondacks had very waterproof aluminum roofs, which kept us dry but also relayed the noise of the huge storm very loudly all night. A cool site about Camp Meriwether is here.

Well, there weren't enough of us for capture the flag or anything, so I played with my camera. I set it up on a timer on a small tripod and exposed for about 5 seconds.

Then I figured out I could even do letters. My 5-year-old son would be very pleased.

Frank was the first up, and he had water ready for hot chocolate when the rest of us rolled out. This is how you cook when your car is just up the trail. The crab cooker and the cast iron are very effective and quick (and heavy)! Mmmmmm . . . bacon!
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